It takes a lot of time and careful planning to put together a great affiliate website. You would think that once you finished you’d have a feeling of joy. But far too often, affiliates feel frustrated and ready to quit. That's because creating a website is only half the battle – search engine optimization is just as important. But what if you don't have a lot of time to devote to SEO? Here are some quick things you can do to improve your ranking in search engines. If you haven't done them already, you'll see great results without investing too much time.

Spread Your RSS Feed

Your RSS is a great way to spread all of your updates across the Internet. Since people are on so many different devices, these feeds are becoming more and more popular, and it’s not smart to miss out. Visit a website like and submit your RSS for a steady drip of traffic to your site.

Check Your Links

Having too many dead links will impact your ranking in search engines. Spend a little time manually checking through the links on your site. The Internet is always changing and visitors are always visiting older posts on your site. They don't deserve to be left holding the bag.

Get Listed in Directories

Find online directories that specialize in your niche. Remember that you aren't just after search engine rankings, you want targeted traffic from qualified buyers! Directories are a great way to do both. Look for web directories that have a high page rank. These sites can pass some of their authority on to you.

Improve Your Loading Speed

Viewers might be impressed by pretty graphics, but search engines aren’t. Pages that load quickly are treated favorably in search engines. Spend a few minutes looking for bulky code tied to plug-ins that you don't use or graphics that have a ridiculous file size. It's easy to get used to your own site taking forever to load – especially if you have a broadband connection and a lot of stuff in your cache. Try loading your site from a friend’s computer and ask yourself if it takes too long.

Change Your Filenames

Giving the pages on your site one word file names is really a thing of the past year. Nowadays, it's important to have filenames that are targeted towards important keywords and tell readers what to expect when they click your link and search engines. You should also try to categorize these filenames based on their larger categories.

Comment In Your Community

Which websites are part of your community? Spend a few minutes posting your thoughts on blogs, forums, and social media websites where your customers hang out. You don't need to be overly commercial, just focus on being interesting and delivering help for people that need it. 

Create A Sitemap

If you haven’t made a sitemap, you’ve crippled your chances of getting indexed in search engines. There are plenty of free programs and plugins that will handle a dynamic sitemap for you, so don’t hesitate to get started.

Affiliate marketing isn’t meant to be hard labor, but consistency is so important. Stick with it, and you’ll see great results!  

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