If you said know,
It could be that you are writing your emails incorrectly. MySafelsitBiz

It doesn't matter if you are mailing to a safelist, traffic exchange, text ad exchange, or your own list if you do not follow certain rules your email will never reach the recipients it is intended to.

You might be thinking that the bigger the list then it doesn't matter, Well the truth is that is when it matters the most. Whatever size list you are mailing to your goal is to get at least a 2% CTR
(click through rate) on every email you send out.

Now we get to the proper way to write an email.

When you are writing your email to send to a safelist, traffic exchange,
text ad exchange you should make sure it is formatted correctly.
Make it short and to the point when mailing to any source other then your own list. Never make a paragraph longer then 5 lines and no longer then 65 characters per line.

Now lets talk about your subject line...

The subject line should never be in all capital letters, just capitalize the first word, Don't put any special characters in it like { [ ( #$?! These symbols trigger the spam filters of all email providers and your email will be considered spam.

Never use words like cash,money,paid,free,advertising,or a persons name these also trigger the spam filters and stop your email from getting to the intended recipient.

Now for the body of your email...

You can use a persons name, however like the subject using
words like money,cash,free,guarantee, money back, dear friend,
or any other word that refers to you selling to the recipient will
trigger the filters.

Using colored text and highlighted text will trigger the filters also,
putting to many links in your email will do the same so only put
one link to the offer you want them to see. 

My advice would be to write your email like you would if you are
sending it to a friend, make sure you get your point across 

You can find more triggers here

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