The Alphabet Book for Toddlers is a wonderful way to teach your kids the alphabet. It is beautifully illustrated, made easily to understand for children, using soft colors and simple objects for each letter.
Book is expected as very succesful and is on the market as a starter on the lowest price now. Don`t hesitate buying it for your children-
they will love flipping throw the pages and having fun with the pages.
You can buy it as a gift or start promoting it.
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Author and Illustrator- Elena Siderova
Working as a professional illustrator at Elance, having more than 5 years of experience now.
Clients Review:
"I just bought this book for my kids and they love it. While it's simple, they enjoy flipping through the pages and looking at the pictures.
Low price - easily worth the money if your kids enjoy playing with the iPad/Kindle and learn new words at the same time :)" Jesper Lindhardt

You can preview here:
Your kids would love it, so do mine! 

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