
After reading today's article to learn about your financial options with international trade as a female entrepreneur, please share it with others on APSense or on Twitter.  Thanks!  

Are you thinking of operating your business internationally?

There is a growing trend towards increased opportunities for women all over the world to export the products and services of their small business.

Exporting your products and services overseas opens up a new avenue of opportunity to obtain new customers and increased revenue.

Exporting goods or services can lead to three awesome benefits for your small business:

  • Increase sales and profits
  • Lower costs for transportation and communications
  • Reduce dependencies on the domestic market 

Research has shown that women typically use their own personal financial resources to fund their business.

This limits potential export growth.

In order to expand the number of successful women exporters, funds must be accessible for the purchase of information and communication technology, for expansion, and for export market development.

Although exporting requires commitment, the return on your investment can be substantial. Many women entrepreneurs have succeeded in international trade.

Small Business Success with International Trade

The key to success in international trade comes down to the banking firm you chose for financing your international trade operations.

Banks help small businesses expand overseas and fund the cost of export transactions. Their services also provide the financing for the export of products and services.

Certain financial institutions will provide long-term financing to support your expanding small business or to modernize in order to survive foreign competition.

There are three trade financial services that are essential to ensure the smooth operation of international trade for your small business:

1.)    There should be product specialists readily available to help keep your international trading operations running smoothly.

2.)    Make sure you have documentary letters of credit to guarantee you will receive payment from your clients. This document also reduces production risks when a buyer changes or cancels his/her order.

3.)    Your banking firm should provide guarantees and bonds to protect your business from unpredictable market conditions and to secure contracts.

Just because you are a small business doesn’t mean you are too small to compete in the world market. 97% of all exporters are small business owners.  

Success does not happen overnight and when the going gets tough, stick with it.

Be prepared for the long haul.

Don’t be afraid to take your business to the global level and become a prominent businesswoman of international trade.

Author Bio:

Stacie Walker - Woman in Leadership - San Antonio Texas2

Known as a success-driven entrepreneur, +Stacie Walker is the founder of Woman in Leadership. Stacie adores working with professional leaders and entrepreneurs in the small business, home business, and online business industries. If you are willing to learn how to take your business to the next level, sign up for the Woman in Leadership bi-monthly newsletter.

Searching for more financial advice to help keep you ahead while building your business?

The Woman in Leadership community provides additional financial education, videos, and blog posts.

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