Mobile phones are one of the most changing devices nowadays. From old black and white screen mobiles to the latest ranges of mobiles full of applications and features, the mobile has faced a huge change in last one decade.

Mobile phones are not restricted to just calling and sharing text messages. In fact, mobile phones nowadays are much more than just a communication device. Mobile phones now are no less than laptops and other devices which offers multiple services. The latest range of mobile phones come with latest features and applications like internet connectivity via blue-tooth and Wi-Fi, easy and smooth access to the leading social networking, searching through leading search engines and other trending applications and services.

Apart from internet and communication services, mobile phones come along with some additional services like latest gaming inbuilt software. Present mobile phones are not just phone, in fact these mobile comes as a complete package for users. There are separate classes of mobile phones keeping in view the categories of targeted audience. The mobile phones manufacturing are focusing on the two main categories of the users in the present scenario. Youth and business class people are major concern of the companies. Youth is the top priority of the companies because of its large number and great social connectivity.

Android mobile phones are the ultimate choice of the youth in the present times. The sales of the android phones are much higher than the other mobile phones available in the market. The reason behind this is that youngster recommends the mobile model which they are using if they are really liked that particular model. Android phones are one option which offers each and every choice which can easily fulfill every need of the youth. Android mobile phones comes with latest games, applications like micro blogging and social networking which is the main concern of the youth when it comes to mobile phone.

Android operating system is designed in such a manner that it running these applications in a very effective and interesting way. In short, we can say that android phones are the first and the last choice of the teenagers and youngsters. Majority of the engineering and other students who are learning I.T. technologies are choosing learning android over any other technology. Student's finds android very interesting and are willing to get trained on android. The numbers of students interested in android training are much higher than any other technologies.

According to the leading training companies, the numbers of queries for android training are very high as compared to other mobile technologies. The other reason behind unbeatable popularity of android training is the numbers of the job opportunities for un-experienced and experienced candidates.

Training companies are offering different modules for android training keeping in view the level of students and their needs. Students are getting enrolled for android training in large numbers. Some of the finest training companies which offer's android training in northern India are located in cities like noida, chandigarh, roorkee, lucknow and other developed cities of northern India. Somehow, student's prefers noida more as compared to the other locations in northern India.

If we talk about southern India, hyderabad, pune and bangalore are the hot favorite location for students and professionals to get trained on android. Training on I-Phone development is another on demand training program. I-Phone development training is getting popular day by day and is most probably to reach its peak very soon.

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