BrandPageProMany smaller business have this problem: they recognize the importance of branding through social media as a way to inform current (and potential) customers and establish new b2b relations to co-operate for mutual benefit. However especially owners of morter and brick companies that also have a additional website to introduce their brand and company lack, the time needed to set it all up.

As opposed to years back when internet was fairly new, a well set up website with good content and proper keywords and description tags was enough in most cases to generate traffic to a business website.

Unfortunately it is no longer that simple. Competition is huge, proper SEO is either time consuming or expensive. So is paid advertising on Google. Many entrepreneurs meanwhile became aware through several publications on the internet and info coming from their local entrepreneurs organizations and/or business magazines, that engaging on social media is rapidly becoming a crucial factor for getting targeted traffic to their business site and also that a good online presence on social media sites can help get better rankings in search engines like Google.

There are ways to get better rankings in Google that are free, several tips and tricks and as I already mentioned a good online presence in social media. So why are there so many small business that do not engage on social media?

I believe that many entrepreneurs see the value and importance of branding through social media but that the main problem is time. An extra handicap for many of my generation (50+) did not grow up with computers and internet. I know it took me quit a bit of time to figure out how stuff works and to find your way around. Many smaller entrepreneurs simply don't have the time for that since they spend most of their time on conducting their business, customer support, administration, etc.
An other problem may be the language. When I look at myself, my language skills in English are not too bad but it took me quit some time to understand the internet lingo used in tutorials and online marketing.

If above situation applies to you, you need the services of Brand Page Pro. What is Brand Page Pro?

Brand Page Pro is a service that helps you to brand your business on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and many others. A team of social media professionals sets up social media profiles for you. A special brand page is set up for you that includes a business profile, an RSS feed and all social media activities. People can follow you there and people can easily share your brand within APSense (a business social media over 180K members) and their own networks. A well set up brand page works has a snowball effect that quickly expands your influence on social media and better rankings in search engines. It also allows you to establish new contacts with potential customers and other businesses to co-operate to mutual benefit. Depending on the package it is also possible to outsource maintenance of your brand page and social media profiles.

The team of APSense Pro has team members fluent in many languages. So your business brand page and profile can be set up in any language. For international business however, English is recommended. We can also help with layout and logo of your brand. Great, but can you afford it?

I think you can. Pricing is very competitive to other services for traffic and paid advertising.

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