Facebook is among the most popular social Medias, with almost every one who has access to internet opening an account. It has become popular as a venue for advertisements and online trading, getting to communicate with friends and other applications. Because of this, facebook allows one to enter their personal information, contacts, upload pictures and videos. As innocent people do this, they are not aware of giving their personal information and sharing of files online. This may become an opened abuse to information hence the need of enhanced Facebook security.

A simple feature that may be used to enhance Facebook security is ensuring that a person signed with the site checks reads and understands security settings published on the page. With this information, it becomes unlikely that an account holder is prone to unscrupulous blogging that makes one vulnerable to fraud activities on facebook.

Tips to enhance security

Though many people think that their account security is complicated, there are some simple tips and rules that everyone must take. Here are some
Choose your friends wisely

Though facebook is a social networking place, accepting everyone as your friend brings challenges. To curb this, it is recommended that you befriend only those who you are closer to and which you know. Accepting everyone means they will have access to your posts, pictures and videos. Ideally one can enhance security by grouping friends on lists who will be easier to un-friend when you change your mind. Labeling friends on facebook who are able to access your wall also enhances security.
Protect facebook pages from searches

Facebook security can be enhanced by customizing on private settings. With the customization, your page will be hidden from automatic searches from other holders. With the settings, one can control which parts of the account will be seen to public, hide the contact information and protect your page from being advertised on the internet. For the advanced security it is good to use applications that you will only need and which a user has faith in.
Surf the web secretly

Facebook is one of the least security lapsed sites because anyone can search and get your account posts, photos and information. To avoid this it is advised to keep the profile secret. Posts that you don't want shared on the wall should be avoided. This is further enhanced by surfing secretly as this will ensure your page is protected online. Surfing anonymously ensures that a client identity is hidden on facebook.
Password issue

One can also enhance Facebook security by having a strong password with at least 6 characters. The password should be a combination of letters, digits and symbols. Individually the account holder should never disclose the password even to their closest friend and family. Changing the password every often will also enhance the security for your account. Choose a password which is easy to remember but difficult to guess.

Other steps taken to enhance the account security include;Avoid usage of unnecessary applications that asks for your data accessChoose the best browser in the market to surf withSuspicious links should be avoided and deleted if need be as they could be spamFor privacy purposes avoid sharing your machine with others like laptops and mobile phones for surfing

Finally it is recommended that after you have used your facebook account, sign off completely especially when using a shared computer.

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