I know that's a bold statement but its true :)

I've been using the autopilot feature at
Traffic Zipper for the last few weeks and
during that time I've been getting leads and
making sales in my sleep.

For those that don't know...Traffic Zipper is
an essential marketing tool which plugs into
Viral List Builders and sends out your mailings
on autopilot.

Sounds good huh?

You seriously have to check it out...

==> http://ibourl.com/vlf

Since its launch a couple of years ago
there's been a series of improvements to
really make it stand out as the No.1 traffic
gen tool for anyone working online.

Traffic Zipper is integrated with the top 20
List Builders (based on actual performance
AND user experience).

As you know, there are hundreds of List Builders
on the market and deciding which ones to use
(or even where to begin testing), can be a long
(and very expensive), process.

Well now, the hard work has already been done
for you! The team behind Traffic Zipper test
100's of different sites, so you don't have to.
You'll only see the top 20 List Builders - and
honestly, that's all you need.

The CTR data of each List Builder (Very Valuable!)
is also displayed in the members area, and...

Traffic Zipper now gives you the opportunity
to provide your own personal rating
(which affects the site ranking).

With the opinions of over 13k members helping you
to really dial in the top 4 or 5... now that's power!

Knowing where to spend your advertising budget has
never been easier!

Traffic Zipper takes just a few minutes to setup,
and once the autopilot feature is enabled you can
literally walk away and make sales in your sleep.

You can even create an account for FREE...

==> http://ibourl.com/vlf

So what are you waiting for?

Need more traffic to your website or affiliate offers?

Get it here:

==> http://ibourl.com/vlf

To Your Success,

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