It has always wrecked my head. Affiliate marketing. You may say that is what I'm doing now ! Maybe. Though to get my point of view out.
With affiliate marketing you are everywhere. Hoping from one site to another. Buying credits,surfing,blogs. Joining forums. Time and money. How much the return ? In the past I have had great websites. With great products or systems. Though to convince Joe Blogs is another matter
It was costing me too much. Gave up and got on with life. Saved more in the bank by not marketing. Though recently made redundant. A site I looked at long time ago came back to mind. No need to market, no downline, guaranteed profit. It works,simple.
A loophole in  the Internet that can never be filled. It now makes money for me.This is not about gambling. It is only gambling when there is a risk of losing.Take a look

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It has always wrecked my head. Affiliate marketing. You may say that is what I'm doing now ! Maybe. Though to get my point of view out.With affiliate marketing you are everywhere. Hoping from one site to another. Buying credits,surfing,blogs. Joining forums. Time and money. How much the return ? In ...


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Affiliate Marketing

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