how to advertise yourself on Myspace, how to advertise your business on Myspace, How to hide advertise on Myspace

Myspace is still a hot place to advertise your website and your products. People who are saying that Myspace is dead are primarily the ones who are following the trends of mainstream media. I know that Facebook is on television and they are on Nasdaq now, but they are only one social network out of literally hundreds. The truth about Myspace is they have hundreds of thousands of visitors per month. 

What all of that means is Myspace is still a nice site to share content on and gain many friends. The only thing different now is the amount of members that are active on the site. The activity on the site has dropped dramatically and you will not see as many people active as you once did. However, it is not to say that Myspace is dead. 

Now if you are trying to advertise on Myspace, this is what you will want yourself to do: 

  • Open a separate Account
You will want to do this if you already have an account with Myspace. You don't want to promote on your current account. You also will want to use your business name, the name of the site you are promoting, or any other alias that will be associated with what you are promoting. You will also be able to separately add friends you will be communicating with about your product. In addition to this, you will be able to brand your list. 

  • Join A Group
This isn't something mandatory but it would help you with your search for the best people for your product. If you are sharing content about cats, then you will want obviously join a cat group. Like I said before, it will help you narrow down your search for people who are looking for information about what you are offering.

  • Download A Bot Software Like Friend Blaster Pro
Adding a software like this one will enable you to automate the process of adding friends or streaming content even. You will be able to leave mass comments an bulletins with this software as well. The fact is that you can do much more with this program than you would trying to add all these friends and leave updates manually. You can even schedule your updates with this software as well. 

  • Stop Captchas By Verifying Your Account: Most Important Tip!
This is the most important tip that you can ever get out all this. As you go through your day adding friends and sending messages, you will run into a couple of captchas every now and again. OK! You will run into a lot of them. That is why you will want to verify you phone number. 

You can find this in your profile settings under "stop captchas" or something of that effect. They will ask for your phone number and text a code to you. Once you input the code, you won't have anymore captchas. This will help you do things really smoothly. It can get really annoying being interrupted by captchas every time you request a friend. 

In conclusion, you can still use Myspace to make money and get your link out there on the platform. Besides, if Tom Anderson is still making money, or Yahoo, then you will should be able to use the platform to get your share. 

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