We've been hearing and reading guides stressing about how important it is for a real marketers to have their own list.

At first I wasn't aware of this and doesn't seem to care. Until recently I've joined a $1 30 day trial training with Russel Brunson one the most successful marketer online. The training will show you how to build your list step by step with video tutorials and guides. The training will also walk you through to almost everything from building your squeeze page or ad page to setting up your autoresponder and until to your advertising and selling. There's a lot you can learn from this program but the main goal of joining this, is how to build you list in the fastest and easiest way possible.

Here's a word from Russel that convinced me why should I build my list.

Imagine if you have at least 500 list of emails of your own and you emailed them 1 product the costs let's say $2 and from that email at least 50 of them bought that product. That's an instant $100 just by sending 1 email, imagine if you build a list of 5,000 in a year and it grows year per year? That will make you a lot of money even just by promoting the cheapest product in the internet.

If you are not convinced yet try Russel's training course HERE

TIP: You will need an autoresponder to build a list and if you come looking for the cheapest autoresponder visit this link HERE.

You can also visit this LINK for more autoresponders.

Good Luck!

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