My husband is going in the fut, a pre-retirement. This was supposed to happen in 3 years. Not in august this year! I am pleased on one end. It means we can move to Turkey much sooner. On the other hand it is coming very close. I will probably have to seek a part time job to cover the temporary loss of income until we sold our house. My online income was supposed to cover that in 3 years, not now. However taking a part time job is a small price to pay for the luxury of retiring at such a young age. We are both 54.

In spring next year we will empty our house in order to prepare it for sale. painting, wallpaper, new heating kettel. This goes faster when the house is empty. These are difficult times for selling a house but we have the advantage that we have lots of room for negotiation because the house we are going to buy in Turkey will be much cheaper.

Finding a home in Turkey during vacations will be the fun part. I am not sure if i will like that hubby is home all day. I hope he finds something to occupy him self with till he starts the painting jobs etc. next spring. Other than nagging I should spend more time on domestic chores than online which he sees as a hobby and not as building a business. So I hope I can find a part time job outside the house soon that brings in the money for the loss of income in august. That will pretty much stop that I think.

Of course we need a place to stay in springtime when we start preparations to sell our home. And we need a place to stay in Holland too once we moved to Turkey. Which will be in the summers because the summers in Turkey are too hot to our liking. We do not want to move in at our kids for 2 months either, as much as we love them, some distance and privacy is better for all involved. So we we thinking of a transportable home.

And guess what, we already found one and bought it. A real bargain and only 15 km away from where we and 2 of our kids live now.

The former owner must be either crazy or rich.

We are about to move to the camping for the summer during which my husband will do some painting en redecorating to improve chances to sell the house fast.

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