Whenever I go to forums and any discussions about marketing  I always see questions about PTC's and the question that intrigues me most is, if you can really make good money from PTC sites. People have different opinions about it, some says it can make you good money but most people do not agree. Here's two main reasons  why people say PTCs are not a good source of income. First, you won't even make a dollar clicking and viewing ads even if it took you the whole day spending time with it, because the average ad clicks and views only pays $0.001-$0.005 . Second, ads can be viewed per day is limited, the average ads that can be viewed per day is between 20-100 depends on the PTC site and membership level. There are lots of reasons why PTC's won't make a good source of income and why people leave this business.

For me any  business  if you lack  information about it and won't put a strategy on it will surely fail. Knowing how things works is not enough, we must learn to take actions, try everything, make mistakes and learn from it and be open to any criticism.

PTC's have a potential to be a good source of income if you know what you are doing, people who says that this business is bound to fail have already failed not because of the business but because of themselves. The ultimate strategy to succeed in PTC business is to have a good number of referrals, that's a fact that most people already know and most people don't know is how to get this.

Here's a negative feedback that I've read about PTC's "PTC programs and other programs with referral system are bound to fail because the last person or person on the bottom earns less and tends to leave the program".

Here's my answer to that, there will be no last person or person at the bottom unless people in the world stop reproducing and unless there's 0% that internet users engage in marketing. I don't know the stats but i know many internet users everyday engage in many internet income opportunities and the first thing they'll learn will be the easiest ways, that includes PTCs and other referral programs.

Make learning as your goal in doing things and think of profits just a bonus in things that you do.

Visit my new site for Online Business Opportunities- strategies and guides including PTC guides www.amecua.com

For direct PTC guides click Here

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