Social bookmarking is a great way to rank high in the search engines. It doesn't require much content and you can submit in multiple sites in a very short amount of time. However, there are certain sites that help you rank high, but there are other sources that do don't so well either. We are going to look into sites that rank very well on Google and Yahoo. When submitting any content on any site, you have to factor in the overall PR rating of that site or you will be spinning your wheels.

One place that you want to look into is This site has a page rank of 7 on Google and ranks very high on key terms that have 2,000 sites or less. This is also one of the most popular sites that many people go to as well. They have celebrity interviews directly from the site itself and other great news stories in the site.

Delicious is another site that ranks very high in the search engines. From what I understand, the site has a PR8 ranking in the search engines, specifically with Google. Great site to submit your link and is generally a site submissions directory., and are all great sites to visit and get into so that you can get the most out of your efforts when you are looking to rank very high in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Of course you can also do a nice quick search online and Google bookmarking sites that have high page ranks.

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