There are tons of people wanting to make a living online. Many use affiliate marketing as a strategy and usually promote their affiliate products with paid traffic. Another strategy many people don't take advantage of is known as niche marketing.

Niche marketing is where you choose a niche or topic and you create a website around it then fill it with affiliate products related to the niche. However many are turned of by this method because it takes to long to produce profits. The truth is there is no known way to get rich quick unless you discover the key ingredient to the fountain of youth!

In basic terms, all you have to do is research keywords in a market that has little competition plenty of visitors and can be easily be ranked in the search engines. If you are able to do that, your website will attract free traffic as soon as you start ranking. One special note: Search Engines will only rank you when they see you, so it would be your job to do that. The quicker you start creating your content and back linking the faster you will rank.

One common myth is that you have to create tons of content to your website in order to get high in the search engines. In truth, you can create about 3-5 articles for one website and get ranked!

The secret lies in the keyword research and the domain name. The keywords must have traffic and minimal competition. The domain must be as closest to your top keyword as possible. If you can not find an exact match domain, consider dashes or adding after the keyword. For example is not available so then your choices are or The point is avoid adding words in front of your domain, it will take much longer to rank and more content will be required.

Finally, create your content and start back linking. At first do not purchase software that automates the process, instead do it yourself first, search engines like Google will see you coming if you have a website 2 days old and with 2,000 back links. After you rank then you can add your affiliate products. Sounds hard? Not really, if you want to make money online you have to do the work and if you do, you will reap the rewards!

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