Do you think that sitting on a coach watching Tv with beer and potato chips shall make the money Roll in ?

Well sitting onthe beach abnd watching the waves is not going to make you cross the ocen  howeve much you may desire

Same is true  with internet marketing  nay all businesses/endeavours online  or offline!

From the internet

"I personally believe we do a dis-service to the industry and ourselves if we openly state...or even allude...that NWM is easy. It's not. Nor is any business....WAH or brick & mortar. Anyone who does say different is not being wholly truthful. I find that to be a shame"

"NWM that is Net work Marketing ...requires   time  effort     , and yes - money. Time is just a matter of redirecting your habits. Not easy but doable. Time directly impacts your efficiency. Effort is entirely controllable by the individual....and directly impacts your effectiveness. Money is self limiting and directly affects both efficiency and effectiveness. An individual must find the best combination of the three that works for them. Someone else can't tell you what that combination is....but can help you find it (for example a good sponsor) "

It is through advertising that you reach people, the inexpensive  methods for advertising are

Newspaer ads

URL on car back window

flyers,posters,post cards,brouchers etc etc

Business Cards

Writing submitting Ezine Articles  and many more

Of course there are the traditional ezine ads, leads programs, Forum participation (sig line - branding reputation), search engines, "3 foot rule", etc. Most of these will cost you money...all will cost you time & effort.


  Multiply   USE.All   . Why limit yourself to just "one path"?
John Milton Fogg's answer to the question is priceless......"It is simple, but it isn't easy."

Sending any message to prospects that denies effort....misleads folks into becoming part of the "failed or quit" statistics and is not honesty

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