Some years ago, it was must that social media websites should be free and no business what so ever in there.
Nowdays, things has changed. Business is included to all of the major social media platforms. The Giant, FB runs it´s ads and launched FB Deals.

Let me introduce Spinglo to you. Let´s say, that you have your local supermarket member card. Each time you buy something, you give your card and get small discount. Would it be cool if some of your friends who use this supermarket for their shopping as well would got their member card by your recommentation and they would stay in your network. Meaning that eash time they shop, you would earn income from their shopping!
And would it be cool if this network would go deep as 5 level. Meaning that when your friends friends shop and their friends and their friends, you earn income from their shopping!

This is exactly what Spinglo is about. You earn money when your friends save money as deals and services in Spinglo are very low priced and discounted.

Today, 01.Dec.2011 you can buy hi-tech coffee machine with 50% discount, you can join to new dating website, you can greate your own blog and promote your own business you can greate your own news RSS feeds.

It is free to join, no age limit.
Go to ,sign up using sponsor name: ainar000

Enjoy the ride.

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