Have you ever wished you could be more creative?  When asked, many people will say they do not consider themselves creative but wish they were.  The good news is we can all be highly creative.  Just as an athlete trains their body for endurance and peak performance you can train your brain to be more creative.

People who are creative are admired and highly sought after both in business and in personal relationships.  Creativity is an asset that is essential to success but does not always result in a tangible product. Creative people think outside the box, devise unique solutions to challenges and introduce new ideas.  Creativity enables us to better ourselves, develop awareness, and expand our horizons as well as those of other people.

There is a misconception that creativity is an innate skill that some people possess and others do not.  This is not true at all.  Research shows that every human being is capable of creative thought.  Creativity is bred into us as humans; it’s in our genes – a part of our very DNA. We are all creative in our own way. We simply have to recognize our own unique talents and skills.

Children are an excellent example of how we are all born creative. Just watch a child play and you will quickly see that they can develop elaborate story lines and imaginative play with even the simplest of toys.  Unfortunately, as we grow older, the pressures of growing up, going to school, getting a job and adulthood all seem to repress our creative tendencies. The stress of everyday living, coupled with occasional dilemmas, drains our creative thoughts and energy. 

Creativity is power and is essential to our well-being. Without creativity, our lives become predictable, routine, boring, and pedantic. If you don’t practice harnessing creative thinking, your creative thoughts will virtually disappear and not be available to you when you need them the most. Fortunately you can quickly and easily train your brain to bringout the creative person and imaginative soul that’s inside of you through brain entrainment.

Brainwave entrainment is a relatively young but rapidly growing field that involves the study of how altering brainwaves naturally can allow people to easily enter states of increased intelligence, creativity, relaxation, pure energy and more! Researchers and scientists have found that different bands of brainwaves are associated with different mental states. For instance, the brainwaves of a sleeping person are much different than the brainwaves of an individual who is wide awake.

Years of research has shown that brainwaves can be stimulated to actually change that person’s current state allowing them to become smarter, more productive, and more creative. By causing the brain to produce or decrease specific types of brainwave frequencies, it is possible to train your brain to bring about a large variety of mental states and emotional reactions.

When the brain is given a consistent, repeating stimulus, such as drum beats or flashes of light, the brain responds by synchronizing, or entraining, its electric cycles to the external rhythm. This is commonly called the Frequency Following Response (or FFR), and it can be used to effectively alter the brainwave pattern of the audience.

Brain entrainment is completely safe and drug-free.  The side effects however are amazing and will help you be more creative and much more.  Through brain entrainment you can:

Conquer procrastination,
Eliminate fear and anxiety,
Improve your self-confidence
Reduce your need for perfectionism

Each of which is an enemy of creativity and keeps your from being able to release the creative person inside you. Plus, when used repeatedly brain entrainment can:

Increae your productivity
Boost your energy
Help you have laser focus
and much more.

If you desire to regain your creative brain and have childlike imagination again, brain entrainment is a highly effective, scientifically proven solution. Isn’t it time to stop wishing you were more creative and actually become more creative? Start your path to a more creative life and career here

Click here to find out how.

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