Look for all of you that have like 400 connections, Great for you! But if your going to choose to connect with others, Please have integrity. Most people ARE smart enough to tell when your just fishing for customers. If you choose to connect with me, be a contribution. Look at what I'm doing & share what works & what doesn't. Ask and expect the same of me. Integrity will get you A LOT further than weak gestures of interest in networking. Be a stand for others and they will stand for you!

The true power of networking is being committed to success! Not just your success, but the success of those around you. It is not coincidence that successful people travel in the same circles. They learned early on, that being a contribution to other leads to personal growth. Personal growth in turn leads to great things for you and those around you! Success breeds success is not just a saying, it is the way of a true networker. Take a stand for each other and I promise you will reap benefits 10x fold!

Yours in Success,

Ray Van

Ps, If you like my post please vote on it.

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