St. John's Wort oil
I live in a town on the Adriatic coast and the inhabitants of this region cultivate the tradition of St. John's wort oil at home.
Here I will briefly describe a way of getting extra quality St. John's wort oil, and I will enumerate in what can use this oil with medicinal and antibiotic properties.
To make extra quality St. John's wort oil is necessary to have a local extra virgin olive oil.
During May and June to go to the meadow where the flower's wort / St. John's wort /.
St. John's wort, and will recognize the beautiful yellow-gold flowers / I enclose a picture /.
Pick healthy leaves without flowers bloom, do not dry them fresh, but into a wide glass bowl / about 100 grams of flowers to a pint of olive oil / / and drizzle with virgin olive uljem.Dobro close and hold on to the sun 40 dana.Nakon 40 days the oil is upotrebu.Procijedite ready for it and store in a dark place.
St. John's Wort oil is a mild antibiotic and successfully treated all types of skin diseases.
Apply it for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy, the treatment of ulcers, inflamed veins in, for the treatment of hemorrhoids .. slight effect on children's skin osijetljivu ...
For specific skin problems you should consult with your doctor.

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