Personal development - The Power of Change

Change can be terrifying. 

Why are so many people afraid of change? Yes, it can be scary.

But, if you are unwilling to change, you will never grow.

You will never have the opportunity to experience the things that can become an absolute blessing in your life.

I remember the day when I made the decision to make the change from employee to business owner.

Talk about a huge change!

I had no idea what I was getting myself into that day.

What I did know is, that I  wanted a better life for myself and my family. I was so sick of trying to make ends meet and being in constant worry about not paying the bills on time.

Something had to give, because I didn't want to go on living in a state of stress for now and the years to follow.  I was willing to break the cycle and make a change.  My desire was so strong & intense that change took place in my life almost immediately.

Now, I look at life very differently.

I am able to breath and enjoy living in the present moment. I wake up every morning doing the things that make me feel so good. 

The changes that I am constantly making, create purpose and passion into my life.

Everyday,  I make it a point to focus on change in my life and to help other people who cross my path in this life. My mission is to give others an opportunity to pursue their lifelong dreams, even when it seems almost impossible. 

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