Creating a website that makes money day in and day out is challenging - but very rewarding! Whether you're on your first money making site or your hundredth, it's important to have this checklist in place to make sure that you're hitting all the right notes and maximizing the funds that you're making from your websites. Copy this list and refer to it often when you're creating a website.

1. A tight niche.

You niche is the foundation of your money making website so it's very important to get a tight niche that has a lot of interest and not too much competition. Don't be afraid to get very specific about your niche. Your niche selection will determine your success so this is a must for your checklist.

2. An appealing design.

Even though your topic and your niche are important in whether or not your site is successful, the design is essential. Your website visitors will click away very quickly if the design looks unappealing or overwhelming. Whether you use WordPress or HTML, make sure your design is appealing.

3. Lots of content.

Content is the heart of your money making website. You need to create content for your money making website on a regular basis. Make it a habit to post new content at least once per week. Having a blog on your website can make this really easy to implement. You can plan out your content well ahead of time and schedule it to post to your blog regularly.

4. A money making element.

Obviously, the key part of making money with your website is the money making element. You can make money from affiliate marketing, display ads or your very own products. Many successful websites use a combination of all three! You should consider your money making element when you're planning your niche.

5. An email list.

Building your list is a money making site essential because it opens you up to deepening your relationship with your audience and building expertise on your niche. By offering a free report or autoresponder course to your website visitors, you can capture your visitor's information and market to them long after they leave your website. Offer something enticing to get people to sign up for your list.

6. Social media links.

Social media is an essential part of marketing these days - and your money making site shouldn't be without social media touchpoints. Offer links to your Twitter and Facebook accounts so site visitors can get in touch with you there as well. Be sure that you're active on the social networks too! There's nothing worse than taking the time to create a social media presence and not following through with updating your profiles.

7. Contact us and privacy policy.

There are so many money making websites out there that skip this essential part of the website. You need to let your site visitors know that you're a real person and that you aren't going to use their personal information that they might give to you in a harmful way. This will give your audience the assurance they need to use your site, sign up for your list and follow you on social media.

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