I am so tired of the ‘positivity’ movement.  Yes it’s nice to have a positive mental outlook but that outlook must be tempered by reality.  Any thing else and you are deluding yourself.  Reality is not going to go away simply because you want to be positive.  Negativity which everyone wants to ignore has it’s place in your life.

I want you to look at a common household item that we all have and all use, the battery.  Have you ever seen a batter with one Positive terminal?  Of course not, because in order for a battery to work it requires two terminals, a positive one and a negative one.  Without that negative terminal that battery would not work.  If you don’t believe me, check every battery you can get your hands on they all have positive and negative connections.  No matter how small they are.  It takes both portions of that battery to create the energy needed to run the device you use it in.

It is the same with life, without negativity to ground us, we do not function correctly.  Let me give you a few examples:

Positive Polly can be as positive as she wants about having a nice dinner, but unless Positive Polly acknowledges the negative reality of an empty pantry and take the steps needed to correct that-she is going to bed hungry.

Positive Polly can say I’ll be fine all she wants after scratching herself on a rusty nail, but unless she acknowledges the negative reality of possible infection and treats that injury-She could soon be landing in the hospital with a serious illness.

Positive Polly can be as positive as she likes about getting rich off of the latest scam, and she will still find herself a victim of Fraud.

The truth is that Positive Polly will always be a victim of her own delusions until she acknowledges reality (What Positive Polly’s want to call negativity) and act accordingly.  Until you accept reality and stop thinking the world is all roses because that is ‘positive’, You will be your own worst enemy.

Am I saying you have to be negative? No I am saying that the negativity you keep denouncing serves a purpose, it grounds you in reality.  As the old saying goes, “Expect the best but prepare for the worst.”

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