Ebooks are part of the internet. They are a great tool for sharing marketing information, marketing techniques, and foremost: expert knowledge.

Here is what makes ebooks so important:


Ebooks have qualities that other mediums do not possess
For example, ebooks are fairly easy to produce, and their production cost is inexpensive. Just think about it: you don’t need a publisher, an agent, a printing press, offset film, ink, paper, or even a distributor. You just need a great concept, the ability to write it or to hire a writer.


Ebooks are immediately obtainable
You don’t have to go to a bookstore or search through endless titles at an online bookstore. All you have to do is download it from a website, et voila! It’s on your computer, ready to be read.


Ebooks have no barriers in terms of publishing
You don’t need to go through the endless process of submitting your manuscript over and over to agents and publishers. All you have to do is to upload it to your website server or to one of the Ebook directories. And you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars for printing a self-published book.


Ebooks are small compared to other mediums
Take videos for example. Videos are great to look at when you need to follow instructions. But videos have one big disadvantage: Their size can become huge. Whereas the size of ebooks seldom exceed 2000KB, thus making it easy for ebooks to remain on your computer for as long as you choose, and they can be read and reread. They can be printed for reading when you’re not around your computer.


Ebooks are a great way to market yourself
It doesn’t matter what your ebook is about, if you give it away for free or if you sell it. What you have to make sure is that you’re name is on it! A nice way is to place your name in the header or footer, so people will see it on every page. And on page 2 or 3 of your book write your short resume with a picture of you.


Ebooks are an invaluable marketing tool
Ebooks are like their hardcopy siblings very durable. And while hardcopy books are handed over from person to persons, good ebooks get mailed from one person to many persons, thus giving you invaluable viral marketing.


If you didn’t write an ebook yet, go get some ideas and start writing your first ebook.


If you liked this article and would be interested in getting more information about how to write and market an ebook, please use the “Top it” button or place a comment. Depending on the demand, I will publish some more articles about ebook creation and marketing.

For more Marketing Tips you are welcome to visit my group Dare To Share Marketing Tips.

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