No, I'm not about to sell you a new Miracle Money Machine.

I'm just curious to see what are the words that catch your attention on splash pages, text ads, banners.

Not to learn how to better sell to you, but to know if the over the top hype we still see for new programs every week are a magnet to the iron will in you.

Things like:
  1. The launch of the best marketing program in history
  2. Lazy networking that works
  3. No sponsoring required
  4. We do the work for you
  5. Join for free, make money with referrals
  6. No experience needed
  7. Here's the secret to [ fill in the blank ]
  8. Pay $10 now, make $1,500 a month fast
  9. Forced matrix, get a downline through spillover
And all those variations on these same themes.

I guess it works, cause I see it all over the place on other biz social networks, on TEs, from safelists emails, banners, text ads. You name a place to advertise, you'll see these recurring themes.

Is there one ( or more ) among you that is on the brink of retirement thanks to those IBM ( I Believe in Miracles ) programs ?

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