It's funny but if you post an anti-scam/anti-spam post people will fall all over themselves to agree with you.  With all the 'yes' men and women all over the post, you would think there would be no scam and spam on APSense.  But we all know that there is. why is that?

Many people talk the talk, but refuse to walk the walk.  So how do you walk the walk?

1. Do your own due diligence!
You have to be the one who evaluates a program and not trust anyone to do it for you!  Everyone can fall victim to a scam at some time.  If you are doing the due diligence how do you know what you are really promoting.

2. They aren't asking for money
Money is not everything. Do you think that just because a program does not ask for money it is legit?  Many of the scams could care less about your money because they are harvesting your personal information.  The revenue generated by the sale of personal information surpassed the revenue generated by the illegal drug trade years ago.  What makes you think the few pennies in your bank account interests them when they can sell your information hundreds or even thousands of times?

3. They paid me
Of course they paid you in the beginning.  That was so you will go out and find more suckers.  They are keeping the lion's share of the take for themselves and the more suckers you bring in the bigger their share.  Not to mention if you have been paid, you are the perfect scapegoat to leave holding the bag when it collapses.

4. Don't believe the hype and don't pass it on either!
Where are the facts?  Who is behind this program?  If you don't have a corporate address and a phone number to contact the corporate HQ.  If you cannot direct people to a product page, etc you are the one blowing smoke out of your rear end.  You are doing nothing but spreading hype.  Know the facts and spread the facts. 

5. If you have doubts it is legitimate don't promote it.
If you are involved with and promoting something that you have doubts about simply because you haven't gotten burned yet, you are a scammer.  You are promoting it because you plan to milk it for everything you can get out of it until it collapses.  But you are directly responsible for burning everyone that you sign up under you.

Yes it is easy to talk the talk, but if you aren't going to walk the walk; don't bother opening your mouth.

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