I've got to tell you about this really cool site I

have found today. It's a brand new twist on a an age old concept in web site

advertising and the best part, it's absolutely free!

 It's called Sweeva and I've

already seen some amazing results from it. It's not like anything you have ever

experienced before but what is so cool is that it's very easy to set up and get

working for your web site. It took me about 5 minutes to sign up and get

started.... Be sure to check it out and experience what Sweeva calls 'social

browsing'. You surf with hundreds of other members, you get to rate sites as

they appear and you can network with like minded individuals. Ooops, I almost

forgot you get rewarded from rating sites, viewing sites and commenting on

sites. This is the easiest way to promote any site you have ever wanted too...

 Enjoy it! P.S. Oh ya, when you

sign up be sure to check out the jaw dropping 'read me' file they have when you

first log in. Believe me, you won't want to miss the important information about

your brand new Sweeva account...



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