Timing is Everything when putting together your online business. Make plans to research how much demand there is for the product you are thinking about selling. There needs to be a big demand for the product, and its good to find out how many of those demanding the product you may know.

Timing refers to the amount of time it takes to get your product out to the masses. This requires several steps when you are planning. First, how long will it take you to get a website up and running. Second, how long do you think it will take for your product to get to the masses. Be realistic when estimating the time it takes to do these.

A website sometimes will have a few minor issues, such as how long will it take a designer to produce your website, or if you are doing it yourself, how long do you think it will take you. Plan for a few minor setbacks because there are always unforseen issues when building your site.

Getting your product out to the masses will take some money and some time. Depending on what kind of budget you have, you will need to plan to using the first two years profits for your business. If you cannot spend everything you make for the first two years, your business will probably not make it through the first six months.

Marketing your opportunity needs to be a "daily business building activity". Something that will get you noticed by a lot of people, and something that can be done everyday or automatically. This is what separates the winners from the losers in this business. You will need to have your product, your website, and yourself readily available on a daily basis in order to acquire new business, and new contacts.

Let Cowgirls help you get your business ONLINE, and ONTRACK!

Elizabeth Wesley

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