This is a general overview on what it takes to succeed online and the FREE tools that can help you achieve that success.

The question I get asked the most is what does it really take to succeed online?
If you ask a dozen people this question, you will get a dozen different variations of the same answer, but the basis is the same.


  • It takes HELP
  • It takes planning
  • It takes tools
  • It takes resources
  • It takes patience
  • It takes advertising

Get it all with our FREE Gift:

I put advertising last, but that is really the main ingredient to business success—online or offline. Any business that does not advertise is going to fail and that is as true today as it was 100 years ago and it will be the same 100 years from now.

Look at any of the big successful traditional businesses such as Home Depot, Lowes, HP, Dell Computer, Budweiser, Coors, Pizza Hut, Dominoes Pizza, Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, McDonalds, Burger King and the list can go on and on.

All these companies are either the leader in their field or they are in second place, but they all continue to advertise. The leader does because they want to stay number one and the second place company does because they want to be number one.

Some people think just because a company is number one that they can cut back on advertising and nothing is further from the truth. Once you get to that number one position, you need to advertise more because everyone is gunning for you. Many companies have cutback on advertising when they were the leader and each and every one of them has fallen from the top.

You are working online and you are a building a business and even though you may not own the business you are promoting, as you are most likely an affiliate, you still must look at it as YOUR business. Anything less is asking for disaster down the road.

You need to take ownership of your business and be proud of what you are doing and what you are selling and yes you are now in sales regardless of what others tell you, you are in sales—we all are, because nothing happens until someone makes a sale.

Okay so you’re telling me I need to advertise, then how much advertising is enough? You can never do too much advertising unless you want to limit your growth and income.

Now this does not mean you just throw money away on advertising that won’t work for your business. It simply means that you never stop advertising and you never stop testing and tracking your advertising. Remember, with our FREE gift to you, you will now have one of the best ad and link trackers on the Internet , so put it to use.

You also need patience because contrary to what you read, you won’t make it big overnight—nobody does. I have seen ads recently from people saying they are making 7 digits online and while I know they are, the problem is they are not telling you about the 7 – 8 years they spent building their lists and spending money advertising their business and working 2 jobs to get to the point that they can work online full-time and make a good living.

I started online in 1999 and I worked two jobs for the first 4 – 5 years and while I was always making money online, I was putting 100% of everything I made right back into my business. I never took one dime from all I was making online. I lived off the money I made from the real work and focused on the big picture of where I wanted to be one day, not where I was at the moment.

If you’re coming online to earn fast money because you’re down to your last dime, get offline now and don’t look back because you cannot build a business quickly and you cannot do it for nothing.

And, no I am not being a pessimist, I am being sincere and a realist because there is not one person making good money online that started off making good money online. I don’t want to see you declaring bankruptcy or getting frustrated if after a few months or a year you have not made money.

Again, I want you to know that you CAN make money working on the Internet and yes, you can make very good money, but you have to have patience and it will take time.

How much time to get where you want will depend on several factors and the good news is you can totally control these factors.

First you need a good program, product or service to sell and you must believe in whatever you’re selling because selling is simply belief transfer and if you don’t believe in what you’re selling, why would anyone want to buy from you?

Second you need to have advertising and tools and resources to manage your business. A carpenter cannot build a house without a hammer and nails, a chef cannot prepare even a basic dinner without pots and pans and you cannot work online without the proper tools of the online world.

You will have all the tools you will need with a FREE Better WebBuilder account and you will have many of the resources such as our tracking system. You can also generate an additional income from our FREE service, but again advertising is going to get you what you want a lot faster than waiting around to build with friends and family.

And here is something that might surprise you. Our goal is to help you succeed, so if you choose not to accept our FREE system, that’s fine, just make sure you are consistent with your advertising.

Third, you need to actually work your business for a set number of hours per week—again you decide what is right for you, but if you are only spending a few hours per week on your business, you are in for a long-long road to generating an income online.

Back when I first started online, I would get up early and work 3 - 4 hours, then go work at work for 8 to 10 hours, come back home and work for 2 or 3 more hours before going to bed.

It was not much of a life for the first few years, but the end result is what I was concentrating on. My dad always told me you have to be willing to give up something now for something better in return.

I focused on my business and building my business because I knew where I wanted to be. There were rough times and times I felt like quitting, but I did not because I am not a quitter and I knew that if I kept at it and kept focused, that I could make it.

There will be rough times for you and times you will feel like quitting, but don’t let yourself quit. Keep looking toward the end result and if you are in this to build your business and you’re not looking to retire in a year and make tens of thousands of dollars your first month, you too can and you too will make it.

You just have to keep at it, be smart, don’t get distracted, have realistic goals and stay focused on the end result.

You also need to use your FREE tools and resources because all the tools we give you are the same tools all the people making money online are using.

We are here to help you with our online training videos and conference calls, but nobody can make you attend the conferences or use the tools—only you can do that.

Get the most from FREE Tools and take advantage of all the resources they  provide you—especially the online training because you need these tools, you need to know how to use these tools and you need to use the tools.

Don’t wait for tomorrow to start learning and building your business, get started right now today and keep at it and good things will happen for you. Get You Complete and FREE Online Marketing System Today:

John Moton

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