This is another important subject that needs investigation, If you're a newbie I suggest you do a market survey before you just dive into an online busines because there are a few things you have to take into account before you waste your time and money on something that people just aren't interested in or if the Market is glutted with what you want to sell. Be extremely careful before you get your feet wet because some of these weasels can make their product sound like the best thing since sliced bread and once you pull out your credit card its a wrap.


1. Check out Ebay to see what the best sellers are.


2. Check out Amazon to see what their best sellers are.


3. Check out PayPal to see what the best sellers are.


3. Marketing e-book info will always sell if its priced right and fresh info.


4. Health and skincare is hot right now.


5 Diet and excercise is hot.


6. Micro jobs: We Marketers will always pay to farm out our more tedious jobs and 5 bucks a pop aint bad.


7. Marketing software.


8. Electronics has good movement.


9. Personal Developement items sell well.


10. Pet care and meds.


11. Child safety online software.


12. Mobile Marketing hasn't caught on yet but it will.


Of course I can't put the whole list up but you get my drift, do your homework and don't believe everything you hear about the latest and greatest. I cut out all the fat from my Marketing budget, times are tight for everybody, and we don't have a penny to waste.

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