Want to get this out. It is happening more frequently. PLZ be careful.

[12:47:24 AM] xxxxx (FN): A few minutes ago, someone, or some entity, named Online Notice, with the trademark symbol beside their/its name, tried to call me on Skype.  AFTER 1:00AM here!

I declined the call.  Have never heard of these ppl/ entity, and, I don't keep headphones & mic on at all times, would have been too difficult to answer.  Is anyone familiar with this person/group?  If they're legit, I'll try to answer next time.

[3:18:43 AM] Patsy j Payne:

Susi and ALL...ALWAYS DECLINE THAT CALL. It is a phisher. I have received it twice. I checked the name that shows up, they are not a registered skype user.

ALWAYS DECLINE, I also block and report.

Julie Wolf is giving FREE training calls several times today.

Skype  training reminder for today

I have attended several of these trainings. Julie is awesome.

Next 4 sessions are today Friday (USA) ..... Join Us!

ET (NY) Noon - 3pm - 6pm - 9pm
PT (Seattle) 9am - Noon - 3pm - 6pm

Enter here:

Why come ?

You can use this info with Skype alone, or "other" tools, but its just harder.
Learn and see how much better it is using  to organize your contacts and communicate on Skype.

Julie answer questions....
She teaches more about Skype than most people ever knew possible.

P.S. Come 5 min early, "spots" are limited...

P.P.S let us know if you want a reminder in Skype of the meetings.

Julie Wolf - Skype Coach
Lawrence Bland - Social Media Consultant and Host

Patsy j Payne - Information/Referral Consultant

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