I'm not sure if this rumor is true or not because Google hasn't admitted to it yet,

this rumor started last Sunday and if the rumors are true, Google is about to

launch a Social Media site named Circles. This is supposed to be one of Google's

top secret projects where you can have multiple Social Circles named immediate

family, co-workers, extended family, best friends, old friends and so on. You can

set it up so all your circles can view it as well, Google is denying the rumors of



My question is, could Google be legitimate competition for Facebook and win the

Social Media game? In my humble opinion they could if they made it similar to

Facebook minus all the annoying things that Facebook has and allow people to feel a

little more in control. I still feel that a lot of people are scared of Google and

already feel they have too much power and information but if the rumors are true,

we'll see.


There's also the people like me who think that people are burned out from

oversaturation of Social Media Networks and will just say, OMG, not another one.

Then again if Google can find a way to bundle all their services in this new Circle

site its rumored to be releasing, it may be worth it. I'm figuring that since I'm

already a member of Google and they already have all my information that the

transition may be painless. What do you think?



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