With the world on fire, the President goes AWOL again

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

History tells us that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but Barack Obama is providing the famous emperor with some serious competition when it comes to going AWOL while America and the world face crises the likes of which haven?t been experienced in decades.

Even as the situation at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant continues to worsen by the hour, and as radiation surges across the Pacific towards the U.S. west coast while Americans panic buy supplies of potassium iodide, President Obama seems remarkably sanguine about the whole affair.

While protests and civil wars rage in Libya and Bahrain, Obama is keeping himself busy by videotaping his NCAA tournament picks, hitting the golf course for the 61st time in his presidency, and partying with lawmakers during a Chicago Bulls vs. Charlotte Bobcats game.

While Japan begs the United States for help to rescue the dire situation at Fukushima, Obama seems more concerned about dressing up nicely to please the media elite at the annual Gridiron Dinner.

Even as the planet faces the threat of a ?new Chernobyl on steroids,? Obama has chosen to prioritize a speech about ?Women?s History Month,? a White House get-together on ?bullying? and a meeting with the Chicago Blackhawks instead of offering any kind of leadership.

But forget Japan, it?s not as if Obama hasn?t got any matters to attend to on the home front, with gas prices surging as a result of an oil spike driven by turmoil in the middle east, as well as a massive budget crisis, not to mention the perilous state of the US dollar and the stuttering economy.

Obama?s fiddling has made the crucial deceision of whether or not to impose a no fly zone over Libya all but academic, with Colonel Gaddafi taking the opportunity to use the delay to crush rebel opponents in key regions.

?But the fun stuff won?t end anytime soon,? writes veteran White House reporter Keith Koffler, who accuses the President of succumbing to ?childish distractions? while the world is afire. ?On Thursday, the Taoiseach of Ireland will be in town to help the president celebrate St. Patrick?s Day. And then Friday it?s off to Brazil for the start of a three-country Latin American tour.

Granted, Obama is not superman and nobody expects him to act as some kind of omnipotent savior, but the remarkable regularity with which Obama goes AWOL when crises hit not just globally but also in America has become characterisitic of his whole presidency.

Lest we forget that during the course of the devastating BP oil spill crisis, Obama took no less than three vacations, disappearing from public view at the very height of the drama when Americans were desperate for a leader.

Obama?s behavior exemplifies the fact that he is a completely hollow sock-puppet of a president. After being billed as an icon for hope, change and fresh leadership as America sought to reclaim its global reputation, Obama has been nothing but a crushing disappointment and a massive failure.

The whole farce reminds us once again that Obama, like George W. Bush before him, controls absolutely nothing, has no influence on world affairs, and has now stopped even bothering to maintain the pretense that he is anything other than an obedient yes-man whose role comprises of nothing more than following orders from the Wall Street and banking elite that have pulled his strings from the very beginning.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.


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