I've always wondered why such a large number of people who get involved in Network Marketing just wind up giving up and walking away and the answer varies. The numbers do look kind of bleak, why are so many people suffering the same fate? Maybe the main culprit is learning a system that they can learn to duplicate, it could be that most people are still afraid of the internet but the fact remains that we all need the internet to have a balanced Network Marketing system that works for us, technology is here for us to learn and utilize to our benefit, why not take advantage of it?


The other problem may be that most people don't take Network Marketing as serious as they should, when you treat your Home Business like its a game or hobby your results will be dismal at best and thats enough to take the wind out of any newbies sails. I'm so glad that my Home Business has a strong system in place that's easy to duplicate because if I was having problems with my system it would make things much harder to duplicate. Here are a couple of problems I encountered when I first started out and my solutions.

. I had a serious problem figuring out where I was supposed to get leads from, all I kept hearing was that the money was in the list but my problem was, where do I get the list? Most companies have built in auto-responders to retain your opt-in people and the system will send out several e-mails or for an extra expense you can join Aweber or another one of the top auto-responder services.


. I was broke and couldn't afford to pay for any ads and that made me get creative and learn a little basic SEO, I learned that with a little patience and persistence that I could get ranked and indexed organically or naturally on Google and that if I joined the right Marketing sites and contributed that I could get plenty of link love from that.

. I also learned that retention is a fact of life in Network Marketing and to not take it personal unless I haven't done all I could to help a person in need of my assistance who was on my team. People come and people go, the ones who leave are the ones who upon entering the game quickly find out how serious this is and realize that they'll have to actually get off their butts and get to work. You can hold a persons hand only so long.


My company Elite Profit Network has its act together and I love that and the fact that I know my sponsor personally and this business is his bread and butter, besides the fact that he's one of the founding members and my information is from the Horse's mouth and not some internet watered down gossip. If you're new to Network Marketing and are still on the fence about what company to join feel free to stop by my site and take a look around. Remember, it costs nothing to look and you don't have to buy into everything that looks good to you, check it out and do your due diligence in whatever you get involved in, don't take people's word for anything in this game, investigate for yourself because people say anything but actions don't lie.



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