Being consistent with my Marketing was a learned experience when it came to my time management. Being consistent is truly powerful in your marketing arsenal, initial excitement can wear off and you can find yourself in a rut easy but you have to train yourself to fight through that feeling and complete your goal. I used to always fret over how long will it take before my work will pay off until I realized that there are no time limits and that you can bust your butt on a project and may not see any results for 6 months. Here are a few of the techniques I use on a daily basis to help with this issue.


. Self Dicipline: Sometimes you'll find that I have to push yourself extra hard and I begin to run low on energy, thats the time I step away from the computer and do other things and then after awhile I come back and go to work.


. Patience: We live in a Microwave society and we all want things done super fast but with Marketing like anything else, you can't plant a tree and wake up the next morning expecting fruit. Relax, take your time and the results will come.


. Get Pro-Active: Just get it started and don't be shy about taking the action you need, sometimes the hardest part of a project is just getting started, once you get started you'll find that it wasn't all that hard to begin with.


. Stay Focused: This is a big one for me because there's so much information overload going on online today. I try to outsource the tedius work as much as possible, when I can afford it that is. There's plenty of sites out here with people who are willing to do your heavy lifting for just $5 a job.


. Have Fun: That part is easy for me because I love what I do, I couldn't imagine doing anything else, this concept helps me in my consistency because early on I would always allow myself to get bogged down and distracted and in the process the blogs I created died a slow death. I have fun now. My writing style finally showed up and writing block is a thing of the past. If you want to read more of my stuff feel free to swing on over to my blog

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