Sometimes I take a moment and look back on my foray into Home Business and Network Marketing and ask myself how I got through it, all the disappointments, the crushing heart wrenching times when I just wanted to throw my hands up and quit wondering about my sanity for still hanging in there when all seemed lost, the ridicule from family and friends, being almost destitute hanging on to a dream of being financially free from a boss and a job and have to pat myself on the back for having the faith in myself and abilities to dig deep within my soul to stay the course. I've come to realize that all that adversity changed me in a deeper way than I thought possible. Now my self confidence is at an all time high, am I where I want to be financially yet? No, but at least the thought of giving up never crosses my mind, people are making money online but they all have one thing in common that you don't hear much about unless you corner them and thats, they all had disappointments and made mistakes but never gave up and used their failures as learning experiences.

Will things always go our way? No but that doesn't mean that you throw your hands up every time life throws you a stumbling block, quitters never win they just complain, whine and find others to blame. The industry is chock full of crooks, so what? The whole world is full of crooks, find a mentor or at least listen to someone who's been there and done that because nothing worthwhile is going to just drop in your lap, you have to put blood, sweat and tears into it like the rest of us. So the next time you feel like giving up on your business or life in general, take a step back and breath, learn how to manage your time, do your due diligence, study, test, get your feet wet and test again but DO SOMETHING. Make a committment to stay in whatever business you chose for the long haul, get out of your comfort zone and be willing to take chances, think outside of the box not only in your business but in your life. Loss and failure helped shape who I am, I didn't allow my adversity to damage my character, it made me stronger, always remember this, adversity will do one of two things to you, it will either make you bend or it will break you.

Skype: paul.hines7

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