The most important thing to remember when affiliate marketing is that you have to have a great product to represent. If you do not have a great product no matter how much traffic you drive to that site, it won't convert.....You also have to passionate about what you are promoting. Passion is what will drive you to continually sell that product.....Remember the key to successful affiliate marketing is bringing the right type of people to your landing page. (Article excerpt source)

    Though there are many small businessmen and  businesswomen here on APSense, most of us are affiliate marketers promoting the products and services of others, earning commissions through some sort of multi-level marketing compensation plan. Though some affiliate marketers create their own websites, banners, splash and landing pages,  most of us use the replicated websites, banners,  landing, and splash pages provided by the owners of the products and services we promote.
    The above article points out the necessity of not only a great product or service to promote but also the importance of great promotional tools to go along with the product or service. How many times have you seen a great product but terrible promotional tools or great promotional tools for a poor product.! In either case the net result is no sales or referrals.
   Having found that great product with the great promotional tools there is still the third ingredient of having a passion for what we are promoting. There is a lot of competition in affiliate marketing but depending on the compensation plan, we don't have to have dozens of direct referrals but just two to six direct referrals then help those to do the same. Being a great affiliate marketer is also being a great sponsor.
  To succeed in affiliate marketing remember "the three P's" consisting of product, promotion and passion. See you at the Top!


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