That expression, "You want to be right or you want to be rich ?", I heard it many many times in 1995, while I was an Amway distributor.

There are many expressions like that, used by the successful upline to put pressure on you to "show the plan".

In my case, the expression has inspired me in a different way.

I wanted to write 2 articles :
  1. 2010 the year of my coming out
  2. 2011 the year of focus
No, I haven't switched sides. Megan Fox has the most beautiful eyes in the world. :)

In the first article, I wanted to talk about the fact that I left logic and followed my heart to jump head first in Internet Marketing, despite having a very good day job. I wanted to mention that I had become confident in my abilities, too confident, it made me write things that I now regret. Naively, I  used the approach "damn the torpedoes full speed ahead", hurting some people who deserved to be treated better. I will remember 2010 as the "You want to be right" year in my IM experiences.

Fortunately, I built solid relationships with some people. I now turn to them to check if my perspective of things is ok. They won't hesitate to tell me the truth, cause I'm not easily offended.

2011 will be, I hope, the year of "I want my business to make a lot of money".

Do I want to be rich ? Well, I have a Toyota Corolla. Changing for a Prius will be perfect, it is in many ways a better car, being a hybrid is the main reason. As for the house, we own an apartment bulding,we have the main apartment in it, I wish to be in a "ordinary" house. 2 bathrooms will be perfect, thank you.

I have social projects. That's where the bulk of the money will go. If it's not in 2011, no matter. I will continue doing what I'm doing, i.e. full-time IM, only my efforts will be more focused.

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