Hi everyone,

I would like to do an experiment.

 A few days ago, a good friend recommended a site for doing webinars.

I've had the idea for some time of doing webinars for APSense.

Mind you, I have no experience. I just did some tests in the past few days.

How about I do a webinar about APSense main features ?

It would complete the APSense Guide I wrote and the screencast videos I have created for learning some of the APSense features.

With a webinar, I would take maybe 30 to 45 minutes to explain things, then we would have a question and answer session.

I know many features of APSense. Not all the finer details, but I can manage. The Q&A  will help me to discover areas of interests that the videos have not covered.

The webinar can be recorded. It might be a reference tool for you and me afterwards, I would refer new members to it, saying things like "watch the 13th minute, I talk about how to create an ad in the AdNetwork"

IMPORTANT : To receive the invite to the webinar, send me your email in a Private Message ( PM ).

I live in Canada, I'm in Eastern Time 6 hours behind France, 3 hours ahead of California in the US. I think I would prefer to do it in my afternoon, let's say 4pm ET. I would be able to reach many people. Only Wincer would be asleep, and I don't want him around while I make a fool of myself. :)

Here are some tech details :

Preparation : I put your email addresses in the webinar "schedule a webinar" tool. You will all receive an email with a link to click at the moment the webinar starts.

Webinar itself :

  1. First part of the presentation, at the set day and time, you click on your link, the webinar window opens, I talk, you listen through your PC speakers, you watch what's happening on your screen, which will show my screen actually, i.e. the places in APSense I will show you
  2. 2nd part, the Q&A, that will happen on the phone, cause the webinar site doesn't allow 2-way communication through the PC microphone and speakers
For that first "official" APSense webinar, I will ask for your indulgence, I might make mistakes or blunders here and there. :)

Note : the webinar site I use is free for 150 attendees. If per chance I might get more than that, I will have to see how to deal with that.

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