Note : This article comes from an email newsletter, I'm on Maria Gracia's list

Get Organized Now! Newsletter - By Maria Gracia
January 9-15, 2011

Number of Subscribers: 181,000

Delegate Like a Pro

In a work situation, the boss usually assigns to others the things they are assigned? This is called delegation. It is an especially good way to get things done. This principle can work well for you at home too. Here are a few ways that you too can delegate like a pro.

1. Aptitude equals strength. No one is good at everything. So, if someone in your family is good at something that you aren't, delegate it to that person. It doesn't matter what it might be. If someone is particularly good at something, it will be nearly effortless for them. For instance, if your spouse is very good at numbers, it makes sense to have them take care of the budget for the family. If you aren't good at it, you'll hate it and put off doing it. So, give it to the one who's good at it!

2. Assigning equals less stress. In another age, it was easier for wives to take care of everything in the household. It was their job. Now however, most of us have to work outside the home, making it nearly impossible to do everything by ourselves. So, assign chores to different members of the family. If you give kids a chance to choose chores, they will.

3. Hire a pro. Sometimes it just makes sense to hire things done. For example, a friend needed to have a window and casing removed for a delivery (a large delivery). Rather than mess things up, she and her husband hired a handyman to come in and remove the window and casings. He then came back after the delivery and restored the window to like-new. It worked perfectly and everyone was happy.

4. Hire a teen. You don't always need a pro, but you just can't always get it done yourself. Chances are, if you contact a local high school, they will have a list of kids willing to do odd jobs. These are responsible teens trying to earn some money. Take advantage of that resource and hire a teen.

5. Hire a student group raising funds. One high school group is raising money for a spring time trip to China, so they are hiring themselves out as day labor. All of the money earned goes towards their group trip. It's a great way to delegate to someone else and still do a good thing!

6. Make it a team project. Do you have a big chore that is going to take days if you have to do it yourself? Then sign up members of the family, or even friends, to take different parts of the chore and complete it together. This breaks the chore down into smaller, more manageable bits that together you can tackle and complete.

7. Barter. Suppose you need something done but have no skills to complete it, but a friend or a family member does.You can negotiate a barter arrangement wherein you barter a skill you have for the skill they have. This benefits both of you.

8. Ask for help. This sound so simple doesn't it. But how many of us think to do that? Sometimes it is just a simple matter of asking for help. I think we mistakenly believe that others will see we need help and volunteer it. The reality is that if we don't ask, we don't get. Asking for help is another way to delegate something. It goes a long way towards getting things done.

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