Years ago, I used to listen to Oral Roberts' TV show.

He always began by saying :

Something good is going to happen to YOU !


Well, I feel like this right now.

My little project is almost finished. I mentioned it a few days ago. It will be a kind of prelude to the BIG project coming out sometime early 2011, either in January or February.

In the case of my little project, every APSense member will be able to benefit from it.

Either it will come out this week or next week. Not easy to tell, this week being the middle of the Holiday Season. There are still a couple of things to fine tune.

I believe you will be as excited as me when you see what it is. Most if not all of you will want to jump into the bandwagon. If you all do, it will be a GIGANTIC train !

Talk to you soon !

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