The solution is simple :


The kind of tank that can go through a house with stopping in its tracks. :)

Now, how does one become a tank ?

  • Be focused
  • Think long term
  • Think BIG : remember, 1,000 people will apply for that ordinary job, 3 people will apply for that management job
  • Use common sense
  • Stay polite at all times in your business dealings
  • Do offer your opinion, with full respect
  • Do not use emotionally charged words, name calling, double talk, else,  to serious business people, you will appear weak, or look like you have a hidden agenda
  • Be determined
  • Be patient
  • Smile
  • Be generous
  • Go the extra mile to help people
  • Remember, everyone puts their pants on the same way as you
  • You failed ? Tomorrow is another day
  • Don't put your eggs in one basket
  • Use different strategies, try new things, don't let conventional thinking stop you
  • Discouraged ? Do something to change your mind, express your feelings to a good friend to  get a fresh perspective
  • Acknowledge your strengths  AND weaknesses
  • Be humble
  • If you believe in God, ask the help of the Holy Spirit. If bad parents give gifts to their children, imagine how happy the Lord will be if you ask for His help

If you combine all these things, rest assured, your tank will go through any brick wall and you won't lose a second of sleep over it. :)

By the way, be a nice, polite, humble tank. :)

Don't worry, keep going, the results will follow.

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