I just had to share this site I found with you.
It creates personalized letters from Santa.

It is a little piece of software that your able
to download to your computer at no charge.
You write a letter to Santa by inputting a bit
of info such as the child's name and location
and name a couple of things that are on the
Christmas list.

Then simply hit the send button and the letter is 
sent off to Santa. In just a matter of moments
Santa is replying to the letter. It can now be printed
off to be presented to the special child of any age.

This would make a perfect fundraiser. All you would
need is a computer with this little piece of software
downloaded on it and a printer. Might be a nice idea
to have envelopes available so those special letters
from Santa will get to the recipient without unwanted
tears or wrinkles.

Here is the site...  http://apsense.cc/bbbe95
Just below the twinkle lights, at the TOP is where
you will find the soft ware to download, No-charge!

The site also offers 4 eBooks
 The Ultimate Christmas Recipe Collection
The Ultimate Christmas Craft Collection
Christmas Fun Activity Book
The Traditional Christmas Story Collection

But..."THEY" give a wonderful suggestion.
They suggest you put the Santa letter software
and the 4 eBooks on a disk and create a label,
package it to give as a gift to family and friends.

As I suggested earlier with the Santa letters
as a fundraiser... someone could be printing
off those cute letters from Santa while someone
else could be taking donations for the Holiday
eBook Collection that you have put onto disks.

All this took was a few clicks of your mouse, and
very little expense.  http://apsense.cc/bbbe95

Can't get much easier than that.
Sounds like a perfect fundraiser to me


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