When you write the kind of comment like those in the title of this blog, you don't help your business at all. Who will remember you ? So many people write comments just like these.

Stand out from the crowd. Get out of your comfort zone. Think differently. Try something new.

Instead of saying "I like your RevPage", tell us why. What got your attention ? The headline only ? The quality of the writing ? Was it something specific, a statement in the 2nd paragraph ? Do you relate to it ? What does it mean to you ?

The author of the blog or RevPage receives a notification every time there's a new comment. You don't have to be rocket scientist to get his/her attention. Sometimes, just a little anecdote, a past experience, good or bad, is sufficient.

It doesn't mean you'll receive instant recognition for your effort. Unless you write 3 paragraphs. You can do that, of course. The author will be honored that you took the time to give such good feedback. In my case, I click on the username and send a Contact Request.

You don't know what to write ? You think it won't be interesting ?

Writing is a muscle. Use it, or it gets atrophied. You might not awesome comments the first week. It doesn't matter. After a time, you'll get more attention. Other people will start responding to your comments in the blog, not just to the author.

Think of zipper on your coat. Put on your coat, right now. Look at your hands, see the movements, focus on the whole process. It'll feel awkward. How come ? You've done it  thousands of times in your life.

In my example, you try to do it with your conscious mind. It's not good. The conscious mind is good for thinking, not for things we've done on autopilot for years. When you were a kid, the first times you tried to zip your coat by yourself, you struggled. After some time, you got good, then forgot about it. It became natural.

It's the same with writing comments. Keep writing informative or lively comments. It will become a part of you. One another benefit you'll get : your writing in general will improve. It's normal, after getting feedback on your comments many times. You get confident. Your own articles will shine.

Yesterday, I posted a blog, it is an article by my good friend GT Bulmer, a fellow member at IMfaceplate. The article's subject is how commenting can be good Web marketing. You'll find the blog here : "Content Commenting Can Be Enhanced, article by GT Bulmer "



Please remember, if you like a blog a RevPage :

1. Click the "top it" link ( blog ), or vote for it ( RevPage )
2. Retweet it, share it on FaceBook, it gets even more attention to you and ApSense
3. If you really love it, bookmark it as a reference for your own business building efforts

On your own blogs and RevPages :

1. Keep them clean, by first clicking the "report abuse" link when you see a comment that breaks a rule
2. Delete the abuse or spam comments, your blogs and RevPages will shine

Most important, if you choose to add a reminder section like this one here, don't put truckloads of links. Give good information about yourself, or tips to help other people be more successful. The signature is there for links.


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