I'm Sick and tired of people saying they don't have enough time to make there business work. They expect money to just flow into there bank accounts and that is simply not going to happen.

It take hard work and plenty of it but there is always time to make your dreams of being successful come true. I Have made over $50,000 so far with affiliate marketing and i did it because i made time to do so. I Have worked 3 Jobs all at once to support my family  and cooked and cleaned and it was crazy. I Learn as much as i could about affiliate marketing and gave it a go. It worked for me so my problem is a lot of my friends ask me how i make money online and i try to teach them but they all seem to want me to do it for them because they don't have enough time. I Think i need to come up with a short cut to success book or something to explain detail by detail. The other thing is i went through so much to get to where I'm at to get a steady bi-weekly income and it is not that easy to tell someone exactly what you did to get there.

ALL I Got to Say to some one trying to make it with affiliate marketing is to NEVER GIVE UP. Learn as much as you can even if it 10 or 20 Minutes a day because it will pay off in the long run. Even if you think what you are doing is not working don't give up.

SUCCESS IS with in your REACH you Just got to Give it a SHOT

I Think i am going to Create a Apsense Group dedicated to Teaching folks with NO TIME how to become motivated and how to become successful online. I know since i wrote this blog it will encourage me to go through with this and create a group to help others.

Wow i think this is one of my first blog;s where i didn't copy n paste anything i got inspired by some other blog post. Which i read and didn't like to much of them saying not to copy and paste as i do that a lot because i don't write to well or explain things to others to well but i will give it a shot because I NEVER GIVE up so THANKS :)

Be On the look of for my New group and See why I'm #1 youcantoo be successful

Thanks for Reading

Have a Great Weekend

Meekin Bruemmer
Proud member of RTA and the L Team


TIP # 1 GO TO the LIBRARY Lots of valuable Resources at the library and even get some FREE Programs you can Download to computer.

Tip # 2 Learn as much as you can about having a business and affiliate marketing

Tip # 3 Never Give up and stay motivated because in these days and times it is really easy to get distracted and even easier to give up and take the EASY Street

NEVER Give up

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