I am writing this article to get an honest opinion from my general public. Do you really think that success is attainable in today's society? Can the way people think be our own worst enemy. I think so. I have found that when one thinks extremely negative. The results of their success has been not so good. However, when you change your way of thinking and let go of the bad in order to receive the good. You are generally successful. Which this statement leads me to my next question. Considering this information, does this mean that those that are successful online have a leg up and those who are not? I really wonder if this is true. I have been working with numerous online ventures for over 4-5 years now. Here lately I have seen a change in my progress because I have one changed my way of thinking. I have also began to work a little harder at it. These two things are the only two things that I see as valid when being successful online. I say this because for one reason. A millionaire can be successful because he was either born into money or he chose to work hard. Now the individual that chose to work hard had to get themselves in a place of positive thinking in order to accomplish anything. Many are not successful in the beginning because this is just due process. However, in the end they get what they want because they made it priority. Now the millionaire did not so much have to work for anything because it was handed to them. So their success is based on the fact that they just want to remain rich. The purpose of this article is to open everyone's eyes to one thing. The success of one can change the lives of another. IF just one successful person took one person who is struggling and showed them the rope. Then that person did the same. The whole society and economic situation would change as we know. Just a thought!! 

Good Luck everyone.

Lisa E.

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