The eyes are the mirror of the soul...

So when I view a profile I would like to see the face and the eyes. I see many profile pictures with people wearing sun glasses. 

I am sure many of the members live in countries where the sun shines a lot more than In The Netherlands and many people absolutely look cool with sunglasses but I prefer to see faces without sun glasses.

And than we have the Lilliputians (I mean those from Gulivers Travels). This are pictures of a person in the distance where you also can not see the face.

Confusing are also the riddles: pictures with more than 1 person on it. Which one is it?

Is it just me who is a bit annoyed about this?

Well I guess it is not so bad as logo's, cartoons, pictures of children and pets and objects as a profile picture.

Social media is about people and establishing business relations for co-operation for mutual benefit. This can be in many forms, trading skills, JVs and promoting and sharing each others postings.

I don't know about you but i want to look a person in the eye, at least on a online picture.

In my opinion branding with your face works better on social media sites, especially when you use the same picture every where and if you include it in personal banners and splash pages ( I can create those for a low fee, see Webmiep Graphics). People will start recognizing you and will check out your profile.

I hope I am not telling you something new that this only works if you make the most out of any profile. On most profiles anything you do on a network is reflected on your profile. Yes, also things you post in the live feed only. However items posted as article, blog or what ever will be attached to your profile for ever. I explain this in detail in this article.

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