A lot of companies are overlooking easy opportunities for improvement on their corporate website. Oftentimes, unless there is a redesign or overhaul, no one conducts performance reviews on their website. As to-do lists grow and time passes, certain website maintenance gets pushed under the rug. First, and foremost you have to find time to execute these assessments. Once you get the scheduling on the books, here are a few tips you can do to make sure your website is at peak performance!

1. Visual Roadmaps
If you take a look at your data, which you can get through Google's free analytics, you will find specific real estate and pages on your website where bounce rates are higher or traffic tapers off. The process you have in place to convert buyers may be too complicated. You might also need to spend some time constructing stronger, calls-to-action.

2. Analyze Paid Search Performance
For the websites which rely on paid search campaigns to drive leads, success is dependent on the quality of visitors reaching the pages. If you are misusing keywords in your search campaigns, you might drive traffic to your site, but it won't be qualified leads, and those that come to your site won't stay long. Driving traffic to your site is great, but converting current traffic into customers is even better.

3. Show the Regulars That You Appreciate Them
Returning visitors are the best kind of traffic and will increase your site's earning potential. New traffic is always welcome, but a lot of companies fail to show appreciation and loyalty to their existing visitors. Many promotions are geared towards generating new leads, maybe this month your sales and marketing teams can create a promotion that only applies to existing fans, friends, followers or customers.
4. Increase Cross Sell marketing
Think Amazon-"Customers who bought this item also bought.." Cross selling boosts the profitability of each individual customer. So make sure your web users see other products and services targeted to them. If you lack products or technology to target effectively, showcase other products during the process.
5. Count Clicks
Every click your user must make before they can make a purchase is a barrier. Cutting clicks increases the chances of the customer staying on your site. Provide a checkout button on every page, or direct users to the checkout page straight away.
Most importantly, look at what makes shops successful in the real world. Why have you walked out without making a purchase? What annoyed you? Apply these reasons to your pages.
Article from my website: Internet-Marketers-Journey.com

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