Free Traffic System is the new age of article marketing: it has its advantages and does not have its disadvantages.

The advantages of both article marketing and Free Traffic System are obvious - Google and other search engines welcome and will always welcome the creation of new, useful, non-duplicate content and that is why search engines look favorably upon the backlinks generated this way.

Due to this "benevolent attitude" from search engines towards links built via article marketing thousands of people are successfully using article marketing for years to improve their positions in search engines for the necessary keywords.

BUT, unfortunately article marketing has some serious disadvantages - let's have a look at them:

- when others republish your article they can delete your backlinks from article

This is a real problem. After you have submitted your article to one of the major article directories - you lose control over this article. Today lots of people are using different automatic tools to "harvest" these directories for content and republish its articles on their sites.

The problem is that more and more people started to steal your content from article directories and automatically DELETE your backlinks from the resource box. OR they steal just a tiny portion of your content (1st paragraph of your article, for example) and give a backlink to the article directory. This is great for article directory, but not for you!

With Free Traffic System you are guaranteed that pages where your content is republished will remain with YOUR backlinks. Those blogs who break this rule and touch your links (modify them/make them invisible/delete them) will be deleted from the Free Traffic System and lose access to quality content.

- duplicate content problems

You see, when one and the same article is republished Google quickly "understands" this is a duplicate content and "sees" that a big portion of your backlinks is built from duplicate content pages. This is not dangerous and Google will not punish you for doing that, but it is rumored that Google seriously lowers the SEO value of backlinks built from duplicate content pages.

With Free Traffic System you have all tools necessary to make each of your articles be non-duplicate, even if the article is republished on 20, 40, 100 or even more blogs. With the help of simple procedures - that will take extra 5 minutes per article - you will create dozens or even hundreds of READABLE and CONCISE versions of article title and body. It is all in your hands: if you decide to spend 5 minutes and use the diversification tools provided by Free Traffic System, then each of the articles republished will be unique for Google and other search engines. And this will instantly increase the value of your backlinks.

Looks at the comparison table to see Free Traffic System compared vs traditional article marketing.

Free Traffic System vs Article Marketing


Free Traffic System

Traditional Article Marketing

Quick distribution of content



Tools to avoid duplicate content problem

(if you take an effort to diversify it with FTS tools)


Control over backlinks


(those who touch your backlinsk get out of FTS)


Diversification of anchor texts of your backlinks



Control over relevancy of sites that republish your articles



Explore these are other advantages of building one way links with the new level of article marketing - claim your free registration at Free Traffic System

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