Our members were recently made aware of APSense's new updated spam policy.  Our new policy was designed to allow you our members to easily report spam and abuse.  We are pleased to see our members taking part in the effort to control spam at APSense.  We ask that you continue to do so.

The new spam policy is a two pronged system of reporting spam and then dealing with the spammers.     You may have noticed that some people have been very quiet today.  Thanks to member reports we have identified several habitual spammers including "dingding girl" and their accounts have been blocked.

Spamming and abuse will no longer be tolerated.  Yes there are consequences to spamming and abusing the site.  For those who may think that you can get away with it, this shows that you will not.  The best thing is not to spam or abuse the site.  When you do so you risk being terminated.  For those members who are actively reporting spam and abuse, we are listening and we are taking your reports seriously.  Your efforts are having a positive effect.  Fighting spam on any site takes the combined efforts of its members and the admins.  APSense is committed to providing its members with a site that is truly dedicated to business networking and not spam abuse.

APSense Spam Monitor

Starting today all spam reports are now being automatically processed.  Every member will now have a Spam Score.  Everyone started the day with a spam score of 0.  Members exceeding the maximum spam score will find their accounts automatically limited to a read only status.  This means that member will only be able to read content.  That member will not be allowed to post or add comments for 4 days for a first offense.  For members who exceed the score a second time the account will be suspended for 8 days.  Suspensions will be tracked and habitual offenders will be identified and permanently limited to read only.

Once again for those reporting the spam and abuse, thank you.

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